Part 1: Introduction to Flutter and Environment Setup
- What is Flutter?
- Overview of Flutter
- Why choose Flutter for mobile and web development
- Popular apps built using Flutter
- Setting Up Development Environment
- Installing Flutter SDK (Windows, macOS, Linux)
- Installing and setting up IDE (VSCode/Android Studio)
- Setting up Android/iOS emulator
- First Flutter Project: “Hello World”
- Creating a new project
- Understanding project structure
- Building and running a simple “Hello World” app
Part 2: Dart Basics for Flutter
- Introduction to Dart Programming
- Overview of Dart language
- Variables, data types, operators
- Functions, control flow (if-else, loops)
- Object-Oriented Programming in Dart
- Understanding the main() function in Flutter
- Importance of main() function
- The runApp() method
- How Flutter starts the app
Part 3: Understanding Widgets and Building UI
- Widgets Overview
- What are Widgets?
- Stateless Widgets vs. Stateful Widgets
- Widget tree and its importance
- Building a Simple User Interface
- Basic Widgets: Text, Container, Image, Button
- Using Column and Row for layout
- Adding padding, alignment, and margins
- State Management Basics
- Managing state using setState()
- Stateful Widgets in action
- Simple counter app example
Part 4: Navigation and Routing
- Basic Navigation
- Navigating between screens
- Navigator.push() and Navigator.pop()
- Passing data between screens
- Named Routes
- Setting up and using named routes
- Organizing app navigation with a routing table
Part 5: Working with Forms and Input Handling
- Handling User Input
- Working with TextField
- Validating form input
- Handling form submissions
- Form Widgets and Validation
- Using Form and TextFormField
- Custom form validation logic
Part 6: Lists, Grids, and Dynamic Content
- Working with ListView
- Building a scrollable list using ListView
- Creating dynamic lists
- Handling list item taps
- Using GridView
- Building grid layouts
- Customizing grid appearance
Part 7: Advanced State Management
- Introduction to State Management Solutions
- Why state management is important
- Overview of Provider, Riverpod, and Bloc patterns
- Choosing the right state management approach
- Using Provider for State Management
- Setting up Provider
- Managing app-wide state with Provider
- Example app using Provider
Part 8: Connecting to APIs and Data Handling
- HTTP Requests
- Making API calls with the http package
- Fetching data from a REST API
- Parsing JSON data
- Local Data Storage
- Storing data using Shared Preferences
- Persisting data with SQLite
Part 9: Adding Animations
- Intro to Animations
- Implicit and explicit animations
- Using the AnimatedContainer widget
- Custom animations with AnimationController
Part 10: Firebase Integration
- Setting Up Firebase
- Adding Firebase to your Flutter project
- Firebase Authentication (Sign in, Sign up)
- Realtime Database/Firestore integration
Part 11: App Deployment
- Optimizing Flutter Apps
- Performance optimization
- Reducing app size
- Deploying to App Stores
- Preparing your app for production
- Deploying to Google Play Store and Apple App Store
Part 12: Building a Complete Flutter App (Capstone Project)
- Final Project: Building a Full Application
- Define a real-world app project (e.g., Todo List, Weather App)
- Apply all learned concepts
- Walkthrough of the full app